Odds and Ends
Something new in staying fit
by wantunn on Aug.06, 2009, under Odds and Ends
My next new favourite laugh a day site
by wantunn on Jan.09, 2009, under Odds and Ends
Leave a Comment more...Fail!
by wantunn on Jul.17, 2008, under Odds and Ends
This is way to funny http://failblog.org/
Fables. Have you read it yet?
by wantunn on Mar.31, 2007, under Odds and Ends
I recently started reading Fables , a comic book series by Vertigo and I’m hooked.
This is what I would best describe as Shrek for adults.
I’ve reached volume 3 and so far, the basic storyline is that someone (the Adversary) has conquered all the lands of the Fables (from your favorite stories including little read riding hood, Cinderella etc etc.. you get the idea) causing them to flee into safer territory, i.e. our world or what they term the Mundy’s (short for mundane). So what is so interesting about this? Read on but be warned, spoilers ahead.
Surprise Surprise
by wantunn on Aug.20, 2006, under Odds and Ends
I surprised myself today, not that I finished the ride but that I actually managed to get up (on a Sunday morning no less!) for a 9am ride at Changi village.
Overall, it wasn’t too tough, about 14 km with some uphill but nothing too extreme. I’ve definately had much worse in the Gym riding classes. The main difference is that my butt hurts a lot more. I guess thats the difference between a stationary and non stationary bike.
As an added bonus, I managed to put the bike back together after getting back home and a generouse dose of lubricant seems to have cleaned up the moving parts somewhat too. Not sure if thats supposed to be the case but I’m not complaining.
Anyway, lets see if I manage to keep this up. I’ll need to go for at least a few more rides before I decide whether or not I need a new bike.
On a side note, the Canon EF 100mm/F2.8 USM Macro is to die for. Argh.. another item on the itchybackside list.
Thanks for all the gifts guys
by wantunn on Jun.07, 2006, under Odds and Ends
If I go to the loo and don’t come back for an hour it’ll be your fault.
Cheap stuff at carrefour
by wantunn on Mar.22, 2006, under Odds and Ends
Who can resist …. bicycle rear lights @ $1 each … AA powered flourescent lamps @ $5 each … Computer books (O Reilly and others) @ $8 each … tap lights @ $1 each …
I can’t
Living dangerously….
by on Aug.11, 2005, under Odds and Ends
is standing in a swaying train next to the woman doing cross stitch with a sharp needle (at least from where I was standing).
Desk Lamp
by flickr on Jul.19, 2005, under Odds and Ends
Anyone needs a new out of the ordinary desk lamp?
Check this out http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1065427
Ah Poop!
by wantunn on Jul.01, 2005, under Odds and Ends
Ok, so this is a TRUE story.
Last night I was dreaming I was in the toilet doing well, you know.. poop. Anyway, I’m trying to grab the toilet paper and it’s really tough. I simply can’t get it out of the roller.
So I pull harder.
And harder.
Until I hear a ripping sound.
Followed by my wife screaming at me: “Eh! What are you doing!”
At which point I wake up and discover. I’ve been pulling on the curtains and the sound I heard was actually me ripping a HUGH hole in it.
Oh Man. My mum was telling me it’s double layered.. how in the world did you manage to rip it up?!?!?
Pictures tonight.. if it hasn’t been taken down and thrown away by then.
I should sleep in handcuffs.
Once again. A TRUE story.