Wantunn mee

Ah Poop!

by on Jul.01, 2005, under Odds and Ends

Ok, so this is a TRUE story.
Last night I was dreaming I was in the toilet doing well, you know.. poop. Anyway, I’m trying to grab the toilet paper and it’s really tough. I simply can’t get it out of the roller.
So I pull harder.
And harder.
Until I hear a ripping sound.
Followed by my wife screaming at me: “Eh! What are you doing!”
At which point I wake up and discover. I’ve been pulling on the curtains and the sound I heard was actually me ripping a HUGH hole in it.
Oh Man. My mum was telling me it’s double layered.. how in the world did you manage to rip it up?!?!?
Pictures tonight.. if it hasn’t been taken down and thrown away by then.
I should sleep in handcuffs.
Once again. A TRUE story.

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