Wantunn mee



by on Nov.05, 2005, under Movies

Caught the movie Doom (as opposed to the computer game) today. All in all an enjoyable show (it’s based on a game. You should know what to expect before going in).
May contain spoilers … read on at your own risk.
You have the Rock, monsters, BFGs (the effect is really cool) and did I mention monsters?
This show is definately darker (literally. A lot of the action happens in the dark tunnels) then the other game turned movie (Resident evil anyone) and closer to the actual game I would think.
The segment where Grimm takes on the monsters FPS style is pretty cool as well, players of the game will appreciate it.
Story wise it’s pretty standard although I found the way Grimm came back “from the dead” was a pretty good rendition of respawning in-game.. not sure if it’s meant to be taken that way.
3 stars out of 5?
Too bad this wasn’t Quake the movie. Would have been nice to see a rocket jump :P

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The Incredibles

by on Mar.31, 2005, under Movies

Finally caught the show on DVD with my wife.
I thought it was really funny and a pretty good show. My wife thought it wasn’t that great.
Go figure.
If you do get the DVD, remember to watch the extra disc for “Jack Jack Attacks”

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