Wantunn mee



by on Oct.22, 2008, under Rants

Cordelia has been complaining of toothaches for a while now so her mum took her to the dentist on Sunday to have it checked out.
The dentists recommendation,
1. Pull the tooth
2. Do a root canal on the tooth
and she actually recommended having the root canal done. On top of that, she even advised that if the patient is not cooperative, then it will have to be done under general anesthesia in a hospital!
Is it time for me to find another dentist for my kids?

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It was just a matter of time…

by on Feb.06, 2008, under Rants

Travel to India often enough and you’ll get his by the runs eventually. This time round, 3 of us got hit, and I’m still running.

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Argh.. what next?

by on Mar.23, 2007, under Rants

First I run out of disk space… then my (admittedly old) scanner breaks down on me. Sheesh.. it’s like someone is conspiring to make me spend extra this month.

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What the ?!?!

by on Nov.23, 2006, under Rants

My wife asked me the following question today. Apparently it was given to one of her collegue’s kid (a primary one student) in a math test for a measly 4 marks.
The question:
A Hen costs $6
A Rooster costs $3
Chicks are $0.1 a piece.
How many Hens, Roosters and Chicks do you need if you have exactly $100 and the sum total of Hens, Roosters and Chicks must also be 100?
Yeah, I couldn’t solve it via algebra or any other mathematical method I knew. In the end, 2 minutes with perl and a text editor solved the equation in 2 seconds but bearing in mind the average P1 kid is not going to have a computer during the test (heck, not even a calculator), I’m baffled at why this would be a math question.
Anyone who knows how to solve this mathematically, drop me a note.
FYI, if you have to know the answer, click on the more link…

(continue reading…)

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by on Mar.10, 2006, under Rants

Btw, did I mention that spammers are lame? And stupid to boot?
I’ve turned on comment moderation cos of the commetn spam I was receiving (i.e. comments with links to porn, viagra etc etc in them).
So why are spammers stupid?
1. For goodness sake pick a blog with better reach if you want to do this
2. The comments won’t show up anyway so why bother?
Oh well.

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Finally up again

by on Feb.07, 2006, under Rants

Not sure what my service provider was doing but it resulted in nearly a weeks downtime for all of my domains. In the end, I had to change my nameservers to the ones they used and they refused to tell me what changed (it couldn’t have been working magically for the last year with the wrong settings).
Anyway, I think I’m going to look for an alternative service provider. Anyone has any suggestions? Or maybe I should just buy a cheap 1U server and stick it into a data center somewhere.

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by on Jan.23, 2006, under Rants

To all those folks running/barreling down the escalators at the MRT when the train arrives or when the train door starts to close, the solution to your problem is not to run faster. The solution to your problem is to wake up earlier in the morning.

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Feel like I’ve been punched

by on Dec.12, 2005, under Rants

Visited the dentist earlier today and he needed to patch up a couple of my teeth. As he was doing his spinning/drilling/digging act I could feel a deep ache from my tooth. Hit the nerves? Anyway, he asked if I wanted some anesthetics which I took (cos he said the pain would get worse and cos I’m a big baby when it comes to pain :P ).
Anyway, all was fine until now when the anesthesia seems to have worn off… feel like I’ve been punched in the face.. it’s either the after effects or the brusing from the needle going into my gums.
Ok. end complaint.
P.S. Hate going to the dentist

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Gantry Hoggers and Bed Rollers

by on Sep.07, 2005, under Rants

Has anyone else besides me noticed it?
Everyday coming out of (or into) the MRT station at the gantry, there will ALWAYS be this one person who is standing in front of an exit gantry, fiddling around in their purse of bag (some how or other it’s always been a woman that I’ve encountered), looking for their bloody ez-link card.
I mean, come on, you didn’t know you would need it to exit until you saw the scanner? What, you thought maybe today would be exit the station without paying day? This is especially irritating in a rush hour situation where you have like a gazillion people trying to exit at the same time and you’re holding up the queue sorting through the gum, ciggies, tampons, whatever in you bag.
Invariably these will also be the people who elbow their way to the front past the orderly forming queues.
And invariably, this will always happen in the gantry I’m queuing for.
Which bring me to the conclusion…
I dem suay hor.
On a side note, my daughter rolled herself of my bed while asleep the night before. Woke both me and my wife up with a loud thud and crying. Amazingly, she went back to sleep like in minutes after we carried her back to the bed (and buffered both sides of the bed with slightly frazzled parents).
It could have been worse I suppose, she could have torn the curtains.

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Are Singapore drivers A**holes?

by on Jul.04, 2005, under Rants

I’m not sure if it’s just me or are drivers in Singapore generally getting more and more annoying, irritating, impatient, selfish, *append favourite expletives here*?
Example 1: Diving out of the carpark from HDB hub on Saturday (my wife was driving), paid the parking and was putting the cashcard back into the reader when the car behind started honking. What is the matter? 10 seconds to put a cashcard back into the reader is too long? To top it off, after we exit, we see the guy cut from the left lane to the right and then back to the left before heading into the PIE, all without signalling.

If that was you Mr Black Mitsubishi Lancer guy, shame on you.
Example 2: Drove to Ikea for a spot of shopping today and noticed that at most maybe 2 in 10 vehicles bother to signal when changing lanes. Am I missing something here? Did signalling while driving become optional lately (maybe I need to get a copy of the latest basic theory and check it out). On the flip side, many drivers seem to regard other people signalling as the trigger to speed up, close the gap etc etc. I’ll bet these are the same guys (could be gals as well) that don’t bother to signal.
Example 3: Went for a jog in the evening and as we were finishing up, we needed to cross the street to get back home. Came to a filter lane with a zebra crossing and as I was about to cross, I noticed a car coming at pretty fast speed so I stopped to make sure he would stop. Which of course he did not. So here’s news for you A**hole. People stop at the zebra crossing cos it looks like you’re about to run them down. Not because they can’t make up their mind whether or not to cross. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you’re distracted cos you’ve just discovered you have a bad case of herpes or something.
Example 4: After making it across the filter lane and waiting for the lights to change in my favour, I see a car heading across the junction and changing lanes back n forth at the same time. Yes, you Ms Lady driver who is TYPING out an SMS as you’re driving. If it’s that important, pull over and do it instead of trying to increase the fatal road accident statistics for Singapore. Or maybe you’ve just discovered you have a bad case of herpes (or whatever) too (and you caught it from the guy in example 3).
There. I’m done. And I had to create a new category just for this as well. Sheesh.

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