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Are Singapore drivers A**holes?

by on Jul.04, 2005, under Rants

I’m not sure if it’s just me or are drivers in Singapore generally getting more and more annoying, irritating, impatient, selfish, *append favourite expletives here*?
Example 1: Diving out of the carpark from HDB hub on Saturday (my wife was driving), paid the parking and was putting the cashcard back into the reader when the car behind started honking. What is the matter? 10 seconds to put a cashcard back into the reader is too long? To top it off, after we exit, we see the guy cut from the left lane to the right and then back to the left before heading into the PIE, all without signalling.

If that was you Mr Black Mitsubishi Lancer guy, shame on you.
Example 2: Drove to Ikea for a spot of shopping today and noticed that at most maybe 2 in 10 vehicles bother to signal when changing lanes. Am I missing something here? Did signalling while driving become optional lately (maybe I need to get a copy of the latest basic theory and check it out). On the flip side, many drivers seem to regard other people signalling as the trigger to speed up, close the gap etc etc. I’ll bet these are the same guys (could be gals as well) that don’t bother to signal.
Example 3: Went for a jog in the evening and as we were finishing up, we needed to cross the street to get back home. Came to a filter lane with a zebra crossing and as I was about to cross, I noticed a car coming at pretty fast speed so I stopped to make sure he would stop. Which of course he did not. So here’s news for you A**hole. People stop at the zebra crossing cos it looks like you’re about to run them down. Not because they can’t make up their mind whether or not to cross. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you’re distracted cos you’ve just discovered you have a bad case of herpes or something.
Example 4: After making it across the filter lane and waiting for the lights to change in my favour, I see a car heading across the junction and changing lanes back n forth at the same time. Yes, you Ms Lady driver who is TYPING out an SMS as you’re driving. If it’s that important, pull over and do it instead of trying to increase the fatal road accident statistics for Singapore. Or maybe you’ve just discovered you have a bad case of herpes (or whatever) too (and you caught it from the guy in example 3).
There. I’m done. And I had to create a new category just for this as well. Sheesh.

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