Wantunn mee

desktop… widget?

by on Jul.27, 2005, under Office Wars

desktop… widget?, originally uploaded by varf.

The moral of the story is… don’t go sticking notices on your collegues water bottles.. what goes around comes around :D

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Weird Guy on the MRT

by on Jul.27, 2005, under Ramblings

Guy comes running as the train pulls up – totally ignores the horde of people waiting at the side of the doors – elbows this way past 2 ladies (there was a pretty big crowd) – runs into the train as soon as the doors open – elbows past another guy entering from the other door – slams himself into the corner seat, closes his eyes, exhales and falls asleep.
Some people should just go to bed earlier at night.

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by on Jul.24, 2005, under PAD

ir, originally uploaded by wantunn.

Slightly better 2nd try at IR

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by on Jul.23, 2005, under Family Time

Argh. My daughter caught the Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD for short) and she’s basically resisting food (more then usual) these past few days.
Think the mouth sores are getting better so hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Well, at least when her school reopens after quarantine period.

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by on Jul.22, 2005, under PAD

laksa, originally uploaded by wantunn.

A noodle dish served in spicy gravy made from coconut milk (amongst other things).

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Starts with R ends with A

by on Jul.21, 2005, under Office Wars

And giving me a bluddy headache…

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Desk Lamp

by on Jul.19, 2005, under Odds and Ends

Anyone needs a new out of the ordinary desk lamp?
Check this out http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1065427

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by on Jul.19, 2005, under Ramblings

I cannot remember the last time this happened to me. Was on the way to meet my friend at cityhall when I decided (don’t ask me why) to walk over from the office instead of catching the train from bugis.
So I stopped at the traffic lights and next thing I know… splat… a big green (and I swear) flourescent blob hits me on the shoulders.
What kind of self respecting bird poops green luminous shit? Anyway, lesson learnt, don’t stnd under the lamposts when waiting for the lights to turn. Had to go pick up a new shirt to change before the movie.. good thing Fila was having a sale.
Ah well.. could have been worse.. could have landed on my head I suppose.

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Sharks Freak Me Out.

by on Jul.18, 2005, under Ramblings

Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water again….
Made the mistake of watching the discovery/national geographic channels yesterday night. It’s probably fairly common knowledge that sharks can attack pretty close to shore but watching it happen really re-inforces that statement.
In this case, they were showing sharks catching/eating some birds that were just learning to fly and so were wading in the ocean. I bet if I were standing on the beach, I could have hit the shark with a well thrown soda can. It was that near to the shoreline.
Switched a channel and it was yet another shark program. They were tagging some sharks for tracking and of course they had to catch them first. You really get a feel of how large these are when they pull them up next to the boat. 11 foot is by no means the largest and it already looks huge next to the humans in the boat.
Next program I switched to was (surprise surprise) sharks again.. myth busters this time, trying out 4 scenes from the original Jaws movie. Stuff I learnt from this show.
* Sharks can grow up to 20+ feet
* A few thousand pounds
* They apparently can pull barrels under water
Suffice to say I’m staying out of the water.

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by on Jul.15, 2005, under PAD

yakitori, originally uploaded by wantunn.

Today’s lunch … Yakitori.

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