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by on Sep.13, 2005, under Ramblings
More evidence of Singaporean’s who can’t drive. This fellow came up to a one way street and proceeded to take the wrong way out.
Living dangerously….
by on Aug.11, 2005, under Odds and Ends
is standing in a swaying train next to the woman doing cross stitch with a sharp needle (at least from where I was standing).
Weird Guy on the MRT
by on Jul.27, 2005, under Ramblings
Guy comes running as the train pulls up – totally ignores the horde of people waiting at the side of the doors – elbows this way past 2 ladies (there was a pretty big crowd) – runs into the train as soon as the doors open – elbows past another guy entering from the other door – slams himself into the corner seat, closes his eyes, exhales and falls asleep.
Some people should just go to bed earlier at night.