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by on Mar.09, 2006, under Uncategorized
One of my collegue’s eyeball.. creepy eh?
Taken using the 20D and 2 x 50mm/F1.8 head to head (1 is reversed) at infinity.
Canon EOS 20D test
by on Mar.08, 2006, under Uncategorized
Shot with a 50mm f/1.4 head to head with a reversed 50mm f/1.8.
Handheld (both the camera and reversed lens) so excuse the softness.
No prizes for guessing what the subject is.
Some kind of lizard?
by on Feb.16, 2006, under Uncategorized
Maybe he’s related to this guy.
by on Feb.09, 2006, under Uncategorized
Have you had your OJ today?
One of my collegues has the habit of putting other peoples cup into the freezer filled with water. So to return the favour
Feel like I’ve been punched
by on Dec.12, 2005, under Rants
Visited the dentist earlier today and he needed to patch up a couple of my teeth. As he was doing his spinning/drilling/digging act I could feel a deep ache from my tooth. Hit the nerves? Anyway, he asked if I wanted some anesthetics which I took (cos he said the pain would get worse and cos I’m a big baby when it comes to pain ).
Anyway, all was fine until now when the anesthesia seems to have worn off… feel like I’ve been punched in the face.. it’s either the after effects or the brusing from the needle going into my gums.
Ok. end complaint.
P.S. Hate going to the dentist
by on Nov.05, 2005, under Movies
Caught the movie Doom (as opposed to the computer game) today. All in all an enjoyable show (it’s based on a game. You should know what to expect before going in).
May contain spoilers … read on at your own risk.
You have the Rock, monsters, BFGs (the effect is really cool) and did I mention monsters?
This show is definately darker (literally. A lot of the action happens in the dark tunnels) then the other game turned movie (Resident evil anyone) and closer to the actual game I would think.
The segment where Grimm takes on the monsters FPS style is pretty cool as well, players of the game will appreciate it.
Story wise it’s pretty standard although I found the way Grimm came back “from the dead” was a pretty good rendition of respawning in-game.. not sure if it’s meant to be taken that way.
3 stars out of 5?
Too bad this wasn’t Quake the movie. Would have been nice to see a rocket jump
Char Kway Teow
by on Oct.15, 2005, under PAD
Char Kway Teow (basically flat noodles, bean sprouts, cockles, eggs fried in dark soya sauce and lard). From a pretty famous stall near the new office location.
Also known as heart attack on a plate…