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by wantunn on Jul.17, 2008, under Odds and Ends
This is way to funny
Who in the world is JUL10
by wantunn on Jul.10, 2008, under Ramblings
Finally got my office phone upgraded (long story) yesterday with a spanking new unit.
Today, I get back to my desk and realise the UI says JUL10. It took me a couple of minutes before figuring out who JUL10 was.
Nerf war
by wantunn on Jun.21, 2008, under Office Wars
This is so bloddy cool.. Got to get to this level of armament in our office. – Watch more free videos
Yahoo! Messenger (still) Rocks
by wantunn on Feb.28, 2008, under Family Time
9 minute call from Singapore to Vegas cos me all of S$0.171.
That’s 17 cents for a (nearly) 10 minute long distance call.
Aside from a bit of distortion early in the call, everything worked fine once I got transferred from the hotel receptionist to the room.
It was just a matter of time…
by wantunn on Feb.06, 2008, under Rants
Travel to India often enough and you’ll get his by the runs eventually. This time round, 3 of us got hit, and I’m still running.
Need a bigger car
by wantunn on Dec.28, 2007, under Family Time
Running out of space again… gotta plan for future expansion
Off to Bangkok
by wantunn on Dec.11, 2007, under Family Time
See ya all in a week.
20 Years Already?
by wantunn on Nov.16, 2007, under Ramblings
Just came across news of the release of the 20th Anniversary Legacy Edition of Joe Satriani’s Surfing with the Alien
I can still remember that this was the 2nd CD I had ever bought at that time (the first being Motley Crue’s Dr Feelgood
20 years later and I’m still listening to these 2 CDs on a regular basis even if the format has changed to mp3s and wmas. I still can’t play any of the songs beyond the intro for Circles, but these are still the 2 greatest albums in my collection (or so I think )
Man I feel old.
Lucky or Unlucky?
by wantunn on Nov.12, 2007, under Ramblings
So is it supposed to be lucky or unlucky when you wake up in the morning; put on your shoes to go to work; feel something inside; shake out your boot; and a small cockroach drops out .. dead?
Krispy Kreme
by wantunn on Sep.14, 2007, under Ramblings
So sweet it made my tooth ache… but I still had to wolf down 2. 4 more to go.